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Icons changelog



  • align-center
  • align-justify
  • align-left
  • align-right
  • bold
  • font-family
  • font-size
  • github
  • highlight
  • italic
  • list-bullets
  • list-numbers
  • new-page
  • redo
  • save
  • strikethrough
  • table
  • underlined
  • undo


  • brush/32
  • clip/16
  • clip/32
  • edit-square/16
  • edit-square/32
  • no-image/32
  • pallete/20
  • pallete/32
  • print/32
  • rotate-left/32
  • rotate-right/32
  • signature-draw/32
  • unlink/32


Nothing Changed


Nothing Changed



  • document-retract
  • draggable
  • signature-draw-alt


  • document-search/32



  • background-process
  • calendar-event
  • document-external
  • document-template
  • menu-app
  • menu-burger
  • need-action


  • document-signed/32


Nothing Changed



  • set-default


  • clip/24
  • signature-manage/32

0.13.0 - Initial Release


  • activity
  • add-circle
  • add-plus
  • address
  • adjust
  • api
  • apple
  • apps
  • archive-box
  • arrow-circle-down
  • arrow-circle-left
  • arrow-circle-right
  • arrow-circle-up
  • arrow-down
  • arrow-left
  • arrow-right
  • arrow-up
  • banned-circle
  • banned-solid
  • bar-graph
  • blog
  • blood-drop
  • bookmark
  • broom
  • brush
  • building
  • bus
  • calculator-check
  • calendar-history
  • calendar
  • call-off
  • call
  • camera
  • caret-down
  • caret-left
  • caret-right
  • caret-sort
  • caret-up
  • cart
  • chat
  • checkmark-circle-solid
  • checkmark-circle
  • checkmark-double
  • checkmark-verified-solid
  • checkmark-verified
  • checkmark
  • chevron-circle-down
  • chevron-circle-left
  • chevron-circle-right
  • chevron-circle-up
  • chevron-down
  • chevron-left
  • chevron-right
  • chevron-sort
  • chevron-up
  • chevrons-down
  • chevrons-left
  • chevrons-right
  • chevrons-up
  • clip
  • clipboard-check
  • clipboard
  • close-circle-solid
  • close-circle
  • close
  • cloud-download
  • cloud-upload
  • cloud
  • code
  • collaboration
  • computer
  • credit-card
  • crop
  • cross
  • customer-service
  • dashboard
  • data-branch
  • data-structure
  • database
  • diamond
  • document-check
  • document-copy
  • document-draft
  • document-empty
  • document-exclamation
  • document-export
  • document-filled
  • document-history
  • document-import
  • document-information
  • document-protected
  • document-question
  • document-review
  • document-seal
  • document-search
  • document-signed
  • document-verified
  • download
  • e-meterai
  • edit-square
  • edit
  • education
  • email-download
  • email-invitation
  • email-signature
  • email-upload
  • email-user
  • email
  • employee-tree
  • envelope
  • exclamation-circle-solid
  • exclamation-circle
  • exclamation-triangle-solid
  • exclamation-triangle
  • expand
  • face-recognition-scan
  • facebook
  • faq
  • file-network
  • fingerprint-scan
  • fingerprint
  • flash-off
  • flash-on
  • flight-arrival
  • flight-departure
  • folder
  • forwards
  • gala-dinner
  • gift
  • google
  • grid-view
  • group-contact
  • happy-face
  • health-facility
  • history
  • home
  • hospital
  • image
  • inbox
  • information-circle-solid
  • information-circle
  • instagram
  • internet
  • key
  • ktp
  • lamp
  • layer
  • line-graph
  • link
  • linkedin
  • list-view
  • location
  • lock
  • love-favorite
  • map
  • maximize
  • medal
  • medicines
  • megaphone
  • menu-horizontal
  • menu-vertical
  • message
  • microsoft
  • minimize
  • moon
  • multiple-window
  • no-image
  • note
  • notification-off
  • notification
  • ocr-scan
  • one-grid-view
  • onsite
  • otp-requested
  • package-box
  • pallete
  • people-insurance
  • persona-alt
  • persona
  • pie-graph
  • print
  • privy-alt
  • privy-balance
  • privy
  • profile
  • puzzle
  • qr-code-scan
  • qr-code
  • question-circle-solid
  • question-circle
  • receipt-history
  • receipt
  • refresh
  • remove-circle
  • remove
  • repair
  • reply
  • report-statistics
  • reset
  • restart
  • rocket
  • rotate-left
  • rotate-right
  • sad-face
  • scan
  • search
  • send
  • settings
  • share
  • shield-off
  • shield-on
  • shield
  • shop
  • shopping-bag
  • sign-in
  • sign-out
  • signature-draw
  • signature-manage
  • signature-text
  • signature
  • smartphone
  • spoon-and-fork
  • star-favorite
  • stetoscop
  • stopwatch
  • sun
  • system-administrator
  • tag-all
  • tag
  • template
  • ticket
  • time
  • translates
  • trash
  • twitter
  • two-grid-view
  • unlink
  • unlock
  • upload
  • user-biometric
  • user-checkmark
  • user-circle
  • user-cross
  • user-event
  • user-exclamation
  • user-find
  • user-groups
  • user-logs
  • user-minus
  • user-multiple-edit
  • user-multiple
  • user-plus
  • user-settings
  • user-square
  • user-transfer
  • user-verified
  • user-wait
  • view-off
  • view
  • wallet
  • whatsapp
  • zoom-in
  • zoom-out

Released under the MIT License.